Statement by Former TLS Member Wende

The following is the written testimony of Wende, a homeschool alumna and former member of David Hayward/Naked Pastor’s online community, The Lasting Supper. This statement is an addendum to  A Statement Concerning Naked Pastor David Hayward and The Lasting Supper.

We joined his TLS around Feb. I wasn’t even in there for two weeks when it all started going to hell. Someone asked for advice when she saw warning signs of abuse in a homeschool family. I was homeschooled. So we’re two others in the group. We spoke up and said that what she saw wasn’t just warnings signs, it was also neglect. A few others in the group said what happened to us homeschooler survivors wasn’t really abuse. Jason and I confronted these people on abuse erasure. It blew up. Jason and I were called abusers for confronting people. It took a week for Hayward to even understand why we were upset (and only after the other people involved went after Hayward too).

Two weeks after that Hayward went on vacation. A women, who is good friends with Hayward, got on and told us all she inhabited by an alien pearl that gave her direct communication from God and that she would bring about the end of times, and she wanted to use the group to recruit a remnant. It triggered someone who had been in an end times cult. The triggered person said claiming direct communication from God was dangerous. The group went nuts. They said she was wrong to confront the prophets. “It is part of her journey”. It became a massive war. We asked the group if TJ of Driscoll or Gothard were in the group could we confront them. They said no. There were also some sexist and homophobic stuff that came out and we were not to say anything about that either.

The day Hayward came back from vacation he sent out an email berating those who spoke up against his friend. He didn’t even try to talk to those of us who spoke up and left first.

I then sent him these messages. And he blocked me. Then he sent Jason and me an email calling us “unsafe” and “abusers”.

He started drawing passive-aggressive cartoons about us. There were three that week. Then as people started talking about it this week he started drawing more.

Jason replied to one on Thursday and Hayward deleted everything. Then a friend posted anonymously on one of his cartoons trying to court survivors today. Hayward again deleted. They went back and confronted Hayward because Hayward has previously stated he does not delete or control the narrative.

There’s even more details, but they involve confidences I can’t betray.